How is HillsCarPal assisting Seniors who are not online?

by convenor on 17/11/2013

We have heard it recently from Betty; that sound of desperation in the voice when the word “online” is used. “Can’t I just ring and request transport,” they say.

Not every Senior has computer & internet access let alone the inclination to spend hours trying to cajole their tired brains to master the latest technology. But it doesn’t stop there.

Many Seniors who are desperate for a transportation solution, can’t ask a friend or family member to help because their acquaintances are in the same boat. Then there is the problem that many Seniors have in asking for help from the family they helped to nurture. They find it hard to place themselves in the role of depending on others, who once depended of them.

So HillsCarPal is recruiting “Online Facilitators” who Clients will be able to call to have their Ride Requests entered online on their behalf. The characteristics of an “Online Facilitator” include:

  • 18 years or older;
  • PC access;
  • Mobile phone;
  • Facebook user; and
  • Likes people of the older generation

Anyone who meets these criteria can volunteer to take calls from one or multiple Clients. And they can do this great volunteer work from home or anywhere else that is convenient.

If you are interested, go to:


Forward this message on to a friend who might have a few minutes to help a Shut-in Senior occasionally.

Best wishes,


The HillsCarPal Team

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