Congratulations Sydney Hills; the answer is “No” ….

by convenor on 20/09/2015

Back in July, we asked the question, “Will our community step up or will the old-old be left out in the cold as ‪#‎ShutinSeniors‬ ?”

Healthy Older Couple



The answer we received is a definite, “No” but it was much more than that single word.

It was a real answer and it came from real people in our community doing real things to make sure that #ShutinSeniors aren’t forgotten.




Some of the real people and real things that happened for HillsCarPal’s Seniors Transportation service since July are: Bill & Shirley's Story (mod) 20SEP15

• six (6) new drivers are now volunteering their cars to offer Seniors a
• a new volunteer Facilitator is booking Rides for Seniors who are not online, bringing total Facilitator numbers to eight;
• our first volunteer Client Support Coordinator, Paul Askin started working to help people like Bill & Shirley join our service; and
• some really desperate #ShutinSeniors got where they needed to go more than 40 times over

But HillsCarPal is doing more than just making a dent in the numbers, even though they are large and growing.

The most worthwhile thing that HillsCarPal is doing is to show the #ShutinSeniors in our community that they are not forgotten. That is clear from the response we got to our question. Instead they enjoy the welcoming voices and friendly faces of our volunteers every time they ride with us.

There is a lot more to do, as we know from the many calls our office receives each week from Seniors who need transport. In the Sydney Hills there are many Bills & Shirleys who are ageing and not as nimble as they once were. They are great people who made our community what is it today. They don’t like to ask for help but more and more they are finding that they need to.

So how do you answer the question, “Will our community step up or will the old-old be left out in the cold as ‪#‎ShutinSeniors‬ ?”

If you hold a driver’s licence, it’s easy to help people like Bill and Shirley by volunteering your car

For more information please contact:



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